Fashion Tagging

Fashion Tagging automatically categorizes & tags fashion images. Level up the user experience on your website with rich & intuitive sorting, filtering and recommendations.

Try our public Fashion Tagging demo! See demo

Benefits of Automated Product Tagging

The major benefit of AI Fashion Tagging is that you speed up your workflows. You can add tags to incoming content automatically and 24/7. Sign-up for Ximilar & use the API to get instant predictions. We focus mainly on Fashion, and we have a constantly growing list of fashion objects and tags we recognize in the following areas: Clothing, Footwear, Watch, Bags, Accessories, Jewellery, Underwear.


Top Categories Recognised








Product Photo Metadata

Recently, we have added a new feature to our Fashion Tagging, recognition of meta-information about the product photo:

  • type of the product photo, e.g. a clothing product, a model wearing the product or a detail of the product
  • type of the background
  • view angle, etc.

It is a great way to automatically select the primary image of a given product or to filter out images you don’t want to show in your store at all. Download the fashion taxonomy sheet to see the details.

Custom Fashion Tagging Solutions

Each business is unique. If our list of fashion tags is not sufficient for you, don’t worry.

  • We can map the fashion taxonomy to yours. We can change the naming or restructure the category tree.
  • Please, talk to us about adding features that you miss in our fashion tagging.
  • Or feel free to train your image classifier using our custom classification service. We can help you with that, or you can keep it all secret to preserve your competitive advantage.

The resulting workflow can take into account different languages, various taxonomy complexities or add business-specific categories & labels. We’ve done that all. Fashion Tagging can be also combined with product similarity to further improve the quality of the similarity product search.

Technology Stack

We use state of the art neural network models & machine learning techniques. Constantly trying to improve the technology so you always have the best quality available. Each model has millions of parameters which can be processed by CPU or GPU. Our intelligent algorithm picks from several models & uses the best performing.

  • Tensorflow-Logo
  • Docker-Logo
  • Nvidia-Logo
  • IbmCloud-Logo
  • Python-Logo

    Send me Fashion Tagging taxonomy

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    API Documentation

    We take care of the complexity behind and wrap it in a few lines of code.

    full documentation