
Read about the technology powering our platform. From the development of powerful ML models to Search Engine, and Kubernetes deployment. Great reading for the geeks during long winter nights. Read more in Developers.

Deployment of machine learning and ai models

The Best Tools for Machine Learning Model Serving

An overview and analysis of serving systems and deployment methods for Machine Learning and AI models.

Read more October 2023
Our visual engine allows us to combine several features for multimedia search with advanced filtering.

How to Build a Good Visual Search Engine?

Let’s take a closer look at the technology behind visual search and the key components of visual search engines.

Read more January 2023
Convert videos intro streaming formats easily with guide by Ximilar

How to Convert a Video Into a Streaming Format?

A comprehensive tutorial for converting a .mp4 .mkv or .mov videos to the streaming formats (HLS or DASH) with Python and FFmpeg.

Read more August 2022
Explainable AI by Ximilar

Explainable AI: What is My Image Recognition Model Looking At?

With the AI Explainability in Ximilar App, you can see which parts of your images are the most important to your image recognition models.

Read more December 2021
Jetson Nano by NVIDIA

How to deploy object detection on Nvidia Jetson Nano

We developed a computer vision system for object detection, counting, and tracking on Nvidia Jetson Nano.

Read more October 2021
Flows by Ximilar

Flows – The Game Changer for Next-Generation AI Systems

Flows is a service for combining machine learning models for image recognition, object detection and other AI services into API.

Read more September 2021
Image Similarity Search by Ximilar

Image Similarity as a Service For Your Web

A step-by-step guide for using image similarity as a service. Find similar items with accurate & fast API for Image Search.

Read more July 2021
Image recognition of furniture and plants

How to Build Your Own Image Recognition API?

Tips and tricks for developing and improving your custom image recognition models and deploying them as API with the Ximilar platform.

Read more July 2021
Illustration image

OpenVINO: Start Optimizing Your TensorFlow 2 Models for Intel CPUs with Docker

Tutorial for optimizing your image recognition models with OpenVINO technology. Making your system faster with Intel CPUs.

Read more February 2021